Pollinators are essential to healthy, biodiverse ecosystems.
Search Articles
Check out some cool innovations and research being conducting to ensure your favorite apples are fresh, tasty, cost-friendly, and high quality.
Dec 19, 2023 -
The Agricultural Research Service is helping ensure that native plants with cultural, historical, medicinal, and edible significance remain available for future generations.
Nov 06, 2023 -
Agriculture's impact on the planet depends on how it’s practiced.
Dec 06, 2023 -
This gallery offers photos relating to research at the Agricultural Research Service. Download the photos and learn about our research.
Jan 10, 2023 -
A new process converts organic waste into nanocellulose, a brown, fibrous material that can be used in multiple products from cardboard boxes to food packaging.
Jul 06, 2023 -
ARS scientists have invented a new way to keep waste out of landfills, make consumer products safer, and reduce dangerous emissions – all at the same time.
May 24, 2023 -
ARS offices, employees and locations around the country are strongly encouraged to participate in STEM outreach opportunities aimed at increasing literacy in science, technology, engineering and math for students of all ages.
Nov 15, 2023 -
A new biobased kitty litter developed by ARS scientists could be coming to a box near you—your cat's, that is.
Oct 04, 2023 -
ARS scientists are hard at work identifying new plant oils and new uses for existing ones, both in and outside the kitchen.
Sep 27, 2023 -
We’re going to learn about a very small fungus, called yeast. Let’s find out how this special fungus helps us make bread.
Sep 20, 2023 -
One approach to eliminating plastic packaging is to use plant-based fiber to create products that are environmentally harmless but provide similar results to plastic.
Aug 15, 2023 -
Several types of invasive Asian carp threaten rivers and the Great Lakes. ARS researchers and commerce are using a two-pronged ‘fork’ approach to deal with the invasive fish.
Aug 09, 2023 -
We all know that insects surround us, but what about the ones that get closer to home – inside our homes?
Aug 02, 2023 -
Learn about this innovative approach that’s helping farmers grow their crops more efficiently – and sustainably.
Jul 26, 2023 -
What happens if we put hydrogen peroxide and yeast together in a large quantity?
Jun 14, 2023 -
ARS scientists are analyzing spinach varieties to identify varieties that have low oxalate levels, which is sometimes linked to better health.
Jul 12, 2023 -
The ARS Pollinator Health in Southern Crop Ecosystems Research Unit in Stoneville, MS recently set up a new apiary!
May 24, 2023 -
At ARS, researchers are working on new approaches to limit ticks’ ability to spread.
May 31, 2023 -
Researchers at the ARS Food Processing and Sensory Quality Research Unit in New Orleans, LA, are conducting research to ensure better quality of U.S. catfish.
May 17, 2023 -
ARS scientists are looking to turn the tables on mosquitoes and other insect pests like house flies by making them into lunch for other animals.
May 10, 2023 -
Do different types of apples have the same number of seeds? Try this fun data analysis and collection experiment for elementary school students.
Apr 26, 2023 -
The Chesapeake Bay is the largest and most productive estuary in the United States and third largest in the world.
Apr 19, 2023 -
ARS scientists are inventing new tools to investigate blood-sucking insects.
Apr 04, 2023 -
ARS researchers found an effective, organic treatment against nematodes and other pests that uses orchard grass.
Mar 22, 2023 -
The United States began honoring women’s history in 1980, but ARS has a long tradition of celebrating the role of women in science.
Mar 15, 2023 -
ARS scientists use genetics to keep the Louisiana sugar industry vital.
Mar 08, 2023 -
ARS researchers have discovered that the condition of soil dramatically affects how well grasslands can sequester carbon in the soil.
Mar 01, 2023 -
Scientists are turning that waste into products that can refresh the soil. Two examples involve mill mud and bagasse.
Feb 22, 2023 -
Researchers may boost the cotton nonwoven industry and clean the environment.
Feb 21, 2023 -
Check out the videos in our "What Is" video series.
Jan 18, 2023 -
ARS researchers have been hot on the trail of the destructive spotted lanternfly.
Feb 01, 2023 -
Rice, already the primary staple for half the world's population, is getting a makeover from a research team in New Orleans, LA. The results are a more healthful grain and many potential new products.
Jan 30, 2023 -
It's Mardi Gras season and we’re excited to feature some of the great research happening at the ARS Southern Regional Research Center in New Orleans, LA!
Jan 30, 2023 -
ARS scientists have identified a possible tool to fight the invasion of the Brazilian peppertree.
Jan 25, 2023 -
ARS researchers are breeding new lines of tomatoes that are resistant to anthracnose disease which causes tomato fruit rot.
Jan 11, 2023 -
In aquaponics, fish and plants are grown together in a system where the fish live in a tank and their waste is broken down by bacteria into fertilizer for plants.
Jan 04, 2023