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A cactus moth larva
A cactus moth larva (Photo by Stephen Hight, ARS)

Scientific Name: Cactoblasis cactorum

Common Name: Cactus moth

Friend or Pest (or both):  Both.

Region and Diet? United States, recently in Texas. Commonly found in gardens or roadsides wherever prickly pear grows.

Impact on agriculture? These caterpillars started as a “friend” because they controlled Opuntia spp. or prickly pear worldwide, but the species became an invasive “pest” when it was discovered in Florida and started to spread westward. It is important to keep track of this destructive species in the United States and conduct research to try to decrease its populations and slow its westward and southward movement.



Biodiversity Experiment

Biodiversity describes the different kinds of organisms found in an area. Scientists use biodiversity to measure the health of a particular ecosystem or habitat. For example, a pond with lily pads, aquatic grasses, insects, frogs, fish, and birds has a high biodiversity and would be considered a healthy ecosystem. The many kinds of plants found in this healthy pond provide food and shelter for different aquatic insects and small animals, which provide food for predators such as large fish and birds. Lowering the biodiversity of this pond by removing some of the plants or animals could harm all the other living things in this pond. In agriculture, high plant biodiversity (such as many kinds of flowering plants) around gardens or within orchards provide food and shelter for predators and parasitoids, which can control insect pests without the use of insecticides.

About the Experiment

It's time to get your hands dirty like a scientist! Try this experiment to measure biodiversity around your yard or school and see how biodiversity at the plant level affects biodiversity at the insect level.


  • Ages: 5 - 12
  • Time: 30 minutes
  • Difficulty: Easy

 What You'll Need

  • Pencil and paper
  • Access to areas with two different soil types (garden, backyard, lawn, grass, dirt)
  • String

Let's Do This!

Warning: Be aware that some insects may sting. Younger explorers should conduct this experiment with an adult.

Images of a backyard, flowers, bees, and plants
  1. Use the string to create a 3-foot by 3-foot boundary around an outdoor area, such as a garden, lawn, grass, tree, etc.
  2. Spend 8-10 minutes observing the area. Feel free to do a little lifting, moving, or digging to gain access to ground-dwelling insects.
  3. Count and write down how many different types of plants, grasses, flowers, leaves, or weeds you see in that area. You don't need to count individual blades or leaves, just the different types in that area. Describe each item (four-leaf clover, crab grass, rose flower, spiny leaf, green pepper plant, etc.)
  4. Count and write down how many different types of insects you see. Also write down the type of insect. If you don't know the type, describe the insect (color, shape, does it look like it belongs to a certain insect family, does if fly, how many legs).
  5. For each insect, write down what it appears to be doing. Is it looking for food, looking for shelter, looking to return somewhere? Is it pollinating a plant or chewing on a leaf? Is it defending itself or trying to protect a certain area?
  6. Repeat these steps in a different area and write down your observances.

What Did You Learn?

Image of a young boy with a magnifying glass
  1. How do the two habitats differ? Did one habitat have more types of plants than the other?
  2. Which habitat had more insects? Which habitat had more types of insects?
  3. How might plant diversity affect insect diversity?
  4. Did you see the insects doing anything interesting? Were any eating plants? Were any eating other insects?
  5. Where were the insects located? Were they on the plants, hovering around, or were they on the ground?
  6. Were there differences between habitats in where the insects were located and what they were doing.
  7. Which area had a healthier biodiversity, and why?
Father and daughter sitting at a kitchen table looking at a smart phone while eating
Photo courtesy of Adobe Stock

Do you know how to store food safely in your kitchen? We usually store our groceries in the pantry, the refrigerator or the freezer. Why do we do this? All food is stored to help prevent both spoilage and germs that can make your family sick.

The USDA has an app to help you learn how to store the foods that you eat properly!  This app is called Food Keeper, which you can also find on's Safe Food Storage page.

Each food will have what is called a shelf life, or the number of days that it can stay fresh before being thrown out. This app can help you prevent food waste, prepare meals, and keep foods fresh for your family!

Take yourself on a mini scavenger hunt on  Food Keeper!

  • Making ice cream sundaes? How long can your ice cream stay in the freezer?
  • Saturday afternoon cookie baking! Are your eggs fresh?
  • Which vegetables in your kitchen are unspoiled and ready for your homemade soup?
  • How long can you store fresh squeezed apple juice in your refrigerator?

Think about food safety the next time you are cooking with your family in the kitchen.

To learn more about  storing foods safely, visit

Researchers are Close to Hooking Fatal Catfish Disease

Fish infected with Aeromonas hydrophila
Fish infected with Aeromonas hydrophila commonly show reddening of the skin, fins, and eyes. (Photo by Anita M. Kelly, D4617-1)

After grappling with a malady that decimates farm-raised catfish, ARS scientists at the Aquatic Animal Health Research lab in Auburn, AL, are close to landing answers and potential remedies to the elusive disease.

Aeromonas hydrophila has ravaged the catfish farming industry in Alabama and other states since its discovery in 2009. The bacterial disease causes hemorrhages on the fish’s body, loss of orientation, and rapid death. Last year, Alabama catfish farmers lost about $13.5 million in revenue – 9% higher than the previous year – due to fish mortality, costs of medicated feed and chemical treatments, and lost feeding days.

Scientists are taking a holistic approach to their research, systematically studying the impact of diet, oxygen depletion, chemical treatments, abrasions, parasite infections, and more to understand how the pathogen works.

Read this article to learn more

SEM of a carmine predator mite
Phytoseiulus persimilis. (CryoSEM, ARS Systematic Entomology Laboratory)

Scientific NamePhytoseiulus persimilis Athias-Henriot

Common Name:  Carmine predator mite

Friend or Pest (or both):  Friend.

Region and Diet?  It is a cosmopolitan mite that eats other mites and insect pests (and their eggs).

Impact on agriculture?  High. Farmers enlist this predator mite as a biocontrol agent to attack and feast on many mites and bugs that destroy strawberries and other crops inside greenhouses and fields. Check out this video from PBS:



Fighting Pests the Organic Way

Farmers have long used pesticides to protect their plants and crops from hungry pests, such as the spotted wing drosophila fly (SWD). This beautiful creature has wreaked havoc on farms in the west, causing over $700 million annually in crop damage. Farmers fight SWD with synthetic insecticides, but that can be expensive and is also harmful to the environment, contributes to pesticide resistance, and may be harmful to humans.

ARS researchers may have found an organic alternative from a substance we use every day at home. Methyl benzoate is a naturally occurring compound produced by plants, and its fruity and floral aroma makes it a staple in perfumes and cosmetics and as a food additive. Nature also employs it to attract pollinators. When used as an organic pesticide, however, it’s been shown to kill or repel many insects in various stages of development, including mosquitoes, bed bugs, fire ants, ticks, flies, moths, and the brown marmorated stink bug. Perhaps most important, however, is its ability to repel and kill SWD, a major destroyer of blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, and cherries. Because methyl benzoate is an environmentally friendly, bio-based compound, it has great potential to be used by people for human protection as an alternative to synthetic pesticides. It also costs less than synthetic pesticide treatments.

Read "Organic Multitasking: From Human Food Additive to Pesticide" to learn more. 


A pumpkin smoothie in a glass with a straw sitting on wood and surrounded by pumpkins and cinnamon sticks.
Photo courtesy of Jenifoto - Adobe Stock

Will you be picking pumpkins with your family this fall? Pumpkins are fun to carve, but they are also a favorite ingredient for many people! Pumpkin adds an earthy, sweet flavor and creamy texture to recipes, and is also packed with vitamins and minerals. It contains vitamin A, which helps the body to fight off germs and keep our eyes healthy. One cup of mashed pumpkin also contains more potassium than a large banana!

Try these four ideas for enjoying pumpkin with your family this fall:

  1. Get fueled for school with Pumpkin Pancakes.
  2. Stir mashed pumpkin into tomato sauce for your next pasta dinner for a vitamin boost.
  3. Blend pumpkin with milk, cinnamon, and frozen banana for a fall-themed smoothie.
  4. Build strong muscles by using a firm pumpkin as a weight! Use your arms to lift the pumpkin over your head for an “overhead press” exercise, or bend and straighten your legs for a “squat” exercise.


Microalgae is the Bee’s Knees

Honeybees feeding on microalgae
Microalgae could provide a strong, sustainably produced artificial diet for honeybees. (Photo by Vincent Ricigliano)

We love to eat the honey that honeybees produce, but what do honeybees eat?

The usual answer to this question is nectar and pollen. However, malnutrition in honeybees – a major reason why they’re growing more susceptible to pathogens, parasites, and pesticides – is a growing issue in the world of agriculture.

Fortunately, ARS scientists with the ARS Honeybee Breeding, Genetics, and Physiology Research Laboratory in Baton Rouge, LA, have discovered another option on the honeybee menu: microscopic algae, or “microalgae.”

Read this longer article to find out more.

Protecting Pecans with Friendly Fungi

Shelled and unshelled pecans.

On July 1, 1930, ARS began its pecan research and breeding program in Austin, TX. Their efforts helped the United States became the world’s leading producer of pecans with a crop estimated to be worth over $560 million.

Now, scientists at the ARS Fruit and Tree Nut Research Station in Byron, GA, and research partners at Fort Valley State University and University of Georgia have developed newer and smarter ways to protect this beloved crop.

The team identified two “friendly fungi,” Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium brunneum. Both fungi can control economically damaging insects like pecan weevils, aphids, and stink bugs. There is also a correlation between those fungi and the growth of the plants they’re applied to, leading to increased plant height, number of leaves, and root length.

Read a longer article to learn more.

USDA/NASA Research on the International Space Station

Cartoon illustration of an astronaut in space suit carrying box of food.

Sure, space travel is super cool, but there is no shortage of challenges when it comes to space travel and colonization, mainly having enough oxygen, food, and water. Space travel in the future is expected to last from several months to years, and astronauts will need to maintain healthy diets during those extended voyages.

Have you ever wondered how NASA will provide food for astronauts on a really long flight, say to Mars?

Well, scientists with USDA's Agricultural Research Service are working with NASA to develop sustainable farming techniques and technologies to grow fresh produce while in spaceflight.

Check out these stories to learn how.

How to Feed an Astronaut

Greenhouse agriculture on the planet Mars

ARS, NASA Join Forces To Monitor Earth's Water Supply – ARS scientists have teamed up with NASA to use satellites to monitor the water cycle on Earth, specifically "evapotranspiration" — the amount of water that enters the atmosphere through evaporation and transpiration from plants.

Growing Plants in Space – An "Under the Microscope" interview with Dr. Raymond Wheeler, a plant physiologist with NASA's Exploration Research and Technology programs at the Kennedy Space Center on Merritt Island, Florida

ARS Scientists Develop Ever-Flowering Fruit To Feed Astronauts - ARS scientists genetically engineered plum trees to continually flower and produce fruit, offering the potential to grow fresh fruit on long-duration space missions.

Nematodes in Space: The Final Frontier for Little Worms - Researchers at ARS's Southeastern Fruit and Tree Nut Research Station sent beneficial nematodes to the International Space Station to study their use as an eco-friendly pest control in space.

Terrestrial Fungus May Be Key To Farming In Space - ARS scientists found that an airborne fungus dramatically accelerates plant growth.

Watch What You Eat … From Space - ARS researchers are working with NASA to develop a new way for astronauts to watch over the fresh foods they will farm on extended space voyages.

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