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Chalcidoid wasp
Chalcidoid wasp

Scientific Name: Halticoptera circulus (Walker), Chrysocharis oscinidis Ashmead

Common Name: Chalcidoid wasp

Friend or Pest (or both): Friend

Region and Diet? These parasitic wasps are native to the Northern Hemisphere and are known to infest and kill leaf- and stem mining flies. The wasps lay eggs inside the developing fly larva and consume them from the inside.

Impact on agriculture? Scientists are researching whether the Chalcicoid wasp can be used to biologically control Allium leafminer, Phytomyza gymnostoma (Diptera: Agromyzidae), an invasive species first detected in the Western Hemisphere in Pennsylvania in December 2015 and has now spread into northeastern and Mid-Atlantic states. It consumes food crops including onions, leeks, garlic, chives, etc., with its feeding damaging leaves and bulbs. Read more on the lab's website


Myplate image

Do you know what food groups are part of a healthy plate? Vegetables, fruits, grains, protein, and dairy foods are all important. They provide vitamins, minerals, and other compounds that keep the body healthy. MyPlate can help you remember to include these foods. It can be used for kids and adults of all ages!

Practice using MyPlate in your daily routine, and soon it will become a habit as simple as brushing your teeth or washing your hands. Get out crayons or coloring pencils and a piece of paper and follow the steps below to draw a colorful MyPlate-inspired meal!

Step 1: Ask an adult to print the MyPlate Coloring Sheet or get a blank piece of paper for you to create your plate. If making your own plate, draw a circle by hand, or ask an adult to bring you a plate to trace.

Step 2: Choose one type of protein food, such as grilled chicken or black beans. Draw it on the bottom right section of your plate.
Step 3: Pick one type of vegetable, such as roasted carrots or stir-fried broccoli. Draw it on the bottom left section of your plate.
Step 4: Think about one type of fruit that you like, such as blueberries or sliced apples. Draw it on the top left section of your plate.
Step 5: Pick one type of grain, such as sliced bread, brown rice, or noodles. Draw it on the top right section of your plate.
Step 6: What is the last food group to add? If you guessed dairy, you are correct! Make a small circle next to your plate, and draw a dairy food or dairy alternative, such as yogurt, milk, or fortified soy milk, to include in your meal.
Step 7: Congratulations on building your MyPlate meal! Ask an adult to display it on your fridge as a reminder to choose healthy foods whenever you are in the kitchen.

Parents, caregivers, and teachers: explore more resources to help kids eat well! Use the MyPlate Plan to find what amount to get from each food group based on age, sex, and activity level. In general, MyPlate recommends these daily amounts for kids ages 5 to 8:

  • 5 to 2.5 cups of vegetables
  • 1 to 2 cups of fruits
  • 4 to 6-ounce equivalents of grains, including 2 to-3-ounce equivalents from whole grains
  • 3 to 5.5-ounce equivalents of protein foods
  • 5 cups of dairy

Photos courtesy of, Adobe Stock and USDA Flickr

Play These Games Then Check Back for More

Cultural Food Challenge

Play this matching game to learn about foods from around the world.

Food Group Ad-Lib Game

“Ad-lib” means to improvise or make up words as you go. Create your own story by ad-libbing about healthy food choices with friends at lunch. Read, laugh, and enjoy!

Animals Ad-Lib Game

Create your own story about a family who explores a new place that houses animals and learns about animal behavior.

Nutrition Word Scramble

How much do you know about nutrition? Unscramble these words to learn about healthy habits and foods to keep you healthy and active.

Are You a Budding Artist?

Check out the AgLab coloring sheets. Just download, print and get coloring!

Click the image to learn more.

Orange TigerPaw peppers in glass jars and a straw basket on a wooden table.

The ARS developed TigerPaw-NR habanero pepper is highly resistant to many species of root-knot nematodes and is among the spiciest peppers ever developed. (Photo by Stephen Ausmus)

An elementary student shows a class how carrots grow.

November 8 is National STEM Day. ARS supports STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) for students. Above, an elementary student shows a class how carrots grow. (Photo by Peter Howard)

A ewe and two newborn Katahdin lambs

A newborn Katahdin lamb from the organic sheep research flock at the Dale Bumpers Small Farms Research Center in Booneville, AR is closely watched by its mom. (Photo by Erin Wood, D4723-1)

Red snapper on ice at a seafood market.

Red snapper. October is National Seafood Month. According to ARS studies, Americans should be eating more seafood which is rich in healthful natural compounds. (Stephen Ausmus, D4712-1)

A melaleuca leaf weevil walking on a leaf.

Meet Oxyops vitiosa, this cute little beetle is helping in the fight against invasive melaleuca trees in Florida, significantly reducing the plants’ flowering and growth. (Stephen Ausmus, k11495-1)

Orange daylily

Orange daylily and white beardtongue are favored by many gardeners and provide pollinators nectar and pollen. (Photo by Peggy Greb, D4504-1)

Bumble bee on a flower

In Logan, Utah, ARS scientists are conducting studies on bumble bee species of all shapes, sizes and colors to ensure their wellbeing and usefulness to agriculture. (Photo by Peggy Greb, D4655-1)

Three slices of fresh watermelon on a blue and white plate

Watermelon is a great summertime treat! ARS scientists have discovered that steam cleaning melons can make them safer to eat. (Photo by Peggy Greb, D4684-2)

A “Brood X” periodical cicada hanging on a tree, waiting for its soft new wings to harden so it can fly.

One last glimpse of an alien-looking Brood X cicada that lived underground 17 years, climbed a tree, shed its skin, waited for its soft new wings to harden and then flew away. (Photo by Steve Ausmus)

Woman buying carrots from female vendor at a Corona Farmers Market in New York

Corona Farmers Market in Queens, New York is one of the most dynamic and diverse farmers markets in the city and is steps off the subway and mass transit system. (Photo by Preston Keres).

Three nymph shells of the 17-year cicada on a linden tree.

Nymph shells of the 17-year cicada, which will return in 2038, on a linden tree in Maryland. (Photo by Peggy Greb, D4666-2)

A bowl of salad greens surrounded by slices apples, cantaloupe slices, whole cantaloupes, whole carrots and kale

ARS research is leading to new ways of keeping fresh-cut produce fresh and safe to the last bite. (Photo by Peggy Greb, D530-2)

Dairy cows

ARS scientists in Wisconsin are helping dairy farmers weigh the merits of using canola meal as a protein source for dairy cattle. (Keith Weller, K4328-14)

Beetles--giraffe stag beetle, Hercules beetle and king stag beetle

The Systematic Entomology Laboratory’s collection of 100,000 specimens can be used to identify harmful pests including these beetles--giraffe stag beetle (l), hercules beetle (r) king stag beetle (b).


There’s more to strawberries than just great taste and a pleasing color. They are also high in a class of health-promoting compounds known as “phenolics.” (Peggy Greb, D3073-1)

A sow with four piglets

Scientists are investigating an amino acid to help piglets cope with the stress of travel and avoid illness. (Photo by Steve Ausmus, D3097-1)

Rainbow trout hatching

Rainbow trout hatching at a research lab in West Virginia. Did you know a single female trout can produce up to 5000 offspring per spawn? (Steve Ausmus, D3996-1)

The National Capitol Columns in moonlight at the U.S. National Arboretum in Washington, D.C.

Photo illustration of the National Capitol Columns at the U.S. National Arboretum in Washington, D.C. (Peggy Greb, D4454-2)

Red, purple, yellow and orange whole carrots

Carrots that reflect almost all colors of the rainbow! They're good for your health. (Photo by Steve Ausmus k11611-1)

Eastern tiger swallowtail butterfly feeding on a pink Zinnia flower

An Eastern tiger swallowtail butterfly feeding on a pink zinnia flower. (Peggy Greb, D3967-1)

 yellow oyster mushroom

The yellow oyster mushroom is both beautiful and edible. (Peggy Greb, D3218-4)

rose bud mite

An extremely small rose bud mite spreads the rose rosette virus that damages roses. The mite hides deep in the rose flowers and leaf buds. (Electron and Confocal Microscopy Unit, D3677-1)

The Tiny World of Microscopic Imaging

a flat mite that feeds on coffee plants

The ARS Electron and Confocal Microscopy Unit assists a diverse group of scientists needing microscopic imaging for their research projects. The facility is equipped with state-of-the-art microscopes and microscopy technologies capable of producing high-resolution, digital images of many of the most important pests and pathogens affecting agriculture.

Researchers here can flash freeze mites in liquid nitrogen to create striking “snapshots” as they feed, use a laser-scanning confocal microscope to make accurate 3D images, and use a 3D printer to create models from the images.

Their images have won scientific photography awards, graced the covers of prestigious scientific journals, and enhanced our scientific understanding of many microbes, pests, and pathogens that attack crops, infect livestock, and make people sick.

See some stunning images in "Opening a Window to an Unseen World."



Composting: Nature's Way of Recycling Organic Materials

Compost image
Photo courtesy of Anna Hoychuk Photography

Composting is becoming ever increasingly popular, both on the farms and in the homes. Composting is an excellent way to reduce waste that’s sent to landfills while providing soil in your gardens or fields with precious nutrients (that’s why they call it “black gold”!)

But did you know that composting enhances rainfall penetration, which reduces water runoff and soil erosion?  This in turn reduces sediment, nutrients, and pesticide losses to streams. By improving the soil, compost also enhances beneficial microbes that help reduce plant diseases and pests – meaning less use of pesticides. Did you know that ARS has a 2-acre composting facility just outside our Nation’s Capital? That’s almost an entire football field, and another half of a football field, of organic recycling!

To learn how to get started with composting, other benefits of this natural recycling method, or how ARS researchers are discovering new ways to prepare composts from a variety of mixed sources of organic materials, check out our Compost Page.


Cracking the Mystery of How to Store Eggs

A dozen eggs in a carton

Some people like nice a plate of scrambled eggs for breakfast while others enjoy an egg salad sandwich for lunch. Eggs are a popular food that most of us purchase in our weekly groceries.

But have you ever wondered if you're storing your fresh eggs correctly? Harmful bacteria can penetrate the shell of an egg, so it's important to know how to handle them properly. Should you store them in the refrigerator or let them sit out in the kitchen at room temperature? Well, it turns out that the way eggs are stored depends on where they’re produced.  Want to know more? Read "How We Store Our Eggs—and Why"



Let the Sun Shine In

Powdery mildew fungus is a serious disease that affects strawberry plants and other crops. On strawberry plants, powdery mildew appears as white powdery spots or fuzzy growth on both sides of leaves and on stems. It can kill flowers, harden immature fruit, and reduce fruit quality and marketable yields. In Japan and western Europe, powdery mildew is the primary cause of fruit quality loss. ARS researchers turned to the sun to help fight this disease. Specifically, researchers are using shortwave ultraviolent light (UV-C) to kill powdery mildew fungus. Read more in "Researchers Harness the Sun’s Rays to Fight Strawberry Disease."

Ostrich moth
Photo courtesy of Kenji Nishida

Scientific Name: Struthoscelis

Common Name: Ostrich moth

Friend or Pest (or both):  Potential pest.

Region and Diet?  This moth is native to Central and South America and its caterpillar feeds on orchids in the genus Sobralia.

Impact on agriculture? ARS scientists are constantly discovering and describing new species of insects like the ostrich moth. These efforts help document the diversity of life on our planet and identify potential threats to US agriculture and our natural habitats. Orchids occur naturally in all 50 states and the orchid market is one of the fastest growing segments of the floriculture industry with a value of over $5M per year. Read the abstract to learn more about the diversity and odd morphology of these moths.



Science Project Handouts

Female high school students performing experiment in chemistry lab

Teachers and Parents. Need a science project handout for homework or at-home learning? We offer downloadable versions of our popular science projects for your convenience. They are available in a variety of topics and skill levels. Just download and print (pdf format).

Looking for more handouts? Explore our Science In Your Shopping Cart factsheets for information on everyday products that sprang from ARS's research.

Fun and Educational Science Projects

Experimenting with Yeast

We’re going to learn about a very small fungus, called yeast. Let’s find out how this special fungus helps us make bread.

Elephant Toothpaste

What happens if we put hydrogen peroxide and yeast together in a large quantity?

Take the Vitamin & Mineral Challenge

Are you getting enough vitamins and minerals? To find out, take this challenge! | Ages: 14-18 | Time: 30 min/day | Difficulty: Easy

Pet Behavior Matching Game

Play this game and learn more about different animal behaviors. | Ages: 4-15 | Time: 30 minutes | Difficulty: Easy

Paint Your Pet's Behavior

Draw or paint and learn more about different animal behaviors. | Ages: 4-11 | Time: 30 min | Difficulty: Easy

Biodiversity Experiment

Try this experiment around your yard or school to learn about animals/plants in your area | Ages: 4-11 | Time: 30min | Difficulty: Easy

Soil Amendment Experiment

How do organic amendments help plants? | Ages: 5-12 | Time: 1-2 hours at start-up, few minutes a day for 6+ weeks | Difficulty: Moderate

Plant Growth and Osmotic Potential

Test the effect of high salt soil concentrations on plant growth | Ages: 12+ | Time: 3+ weeks | Difficulty: Easy/Moderate

Black Light Experiment

Explore fluorescence (light) in food and plants. | Ages: 5-12 | Time: 15-20 mins | Difficulty: Easy

Soil Erosion Experiment

How does soil erosion occur? | Ages: 5-12 | Time: 15-20 mins | Difficulty: Easy

Vitamin C Challenge

Compare vitamin C levels | Ages: 5-12 | Time: 15-20 mins | Difficulty: Easy

Plant Growth and Root Development

Test the effect a hard soil layer has on plant growth and root development. | Ages: 10+ | Time: 3+ weeks | Difficulty: Easy/moderate

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